
Showing posts from 2023

Massage Therapy...Why, What, Where, How, Who

Massage therapy has been around for thousands of years.  Most recently it has become more and more popular as people are recognizing the health benefits of getting regular massages.  Doctors, chiropractors physical therapists, and even insurance companies are beginning to see that massage therapy is a valuable complementary therapy alongside traditional Western Medicine.   This is wonderful news, but there are still some common misconceptions and questions regarding massage therapy.  I hope this article helps to answer some of those questions and clear up the misconceptions. Why should you get a massage? What type of massage should you get? Where should you go for a massage? How do you find a massage therapist?  Who is the right massage therapist for you? All great questions!  Lots of answers.... Let's start with why you should get a massage.  Massage therapy is great for so many reasons.  The most common reasons you will hear are:  relaxation, to loosen tight muscles and relieve p

Stress From Within

 Why do we stress ourselves out?  I know I cannot be the only one that does this.  Time and time again I find myself putting way too much pressure on myself.  I feel the need to make everything "perfect".  I find myself needing to "control" everything and "fix" everything for everyone.  It's exhausting.  I don't want to do it anymore. What I should say is, "I can't do it anymore".  There, I said it.  "I can't."  Wow, those words are difficult to say.  I get choked-up and teary-eyed just saying it to myself.  Why do I put that much pressure on myself?  How do I break that nasty habit?   I have been like this for as long as I can remember.  I jokingly say that as a child I was an eight year old with an ulcer.  But am I really joking?  Probably not.   I do use my sense of humor as a protective mechanism.  I use it to make light of a difficult or uncomfortable situation.  I have used it to poke fun of myself for my faults or


  Hello! Welcome to my world of massage therapy and heathy living. I am a licensed and nationally board certified massage and bodywork therapist, as well as a mindfulness practitioner, who is passionate about the work I do.  I would love to help you begin to feel better. My goal is to help my clients actualize maximum health gains. I became interested in massage therapy about 20+ years ago. I was living with chronic neck and shoulder pain as well as frequent headaches. These issues were brought on by muscle and skeletal structural issues as well as stress. Massage therapy helped me to feel better and learn to counteract some of the stressors in my life.  I loved the atmosphere and the benefits of the services I was receiving and thought that I would love to be able to put myself into that environment to help not only myself but to also help others at the same time. A few years later when the timing was right, I took the leap and went to back to school to gain the knowledge and skill th